Obituary of Jean Prashad
Jean Prashad was born on April 4, 1945 in Guyana, moving to NYC in her late teens. She was one of 10 children, to William and Ramdai Rajcoomar; 6 now remain. Jean married Roy Prashad and they had two sons, Ronald and Roy Jr, known to most as Ralph. Jean is survived by her son Ralph, her grand-daughters Korina, Erin, Lena and Taylor and her great-grandchildren,
Ayden, Nolan and Emilee, as well as nieces and nephews who loved her dearly. Jean was also loved by her friends and neighbors.
Jean was a loving and caring woman who helped everyone. She was always willing to help anyone in need. Her faith and salvation in Christ was the core of who she was. She donated to countless causes and always gave a helping hand. She was tough, independent, and smart. She always gave the most weirdest gifts but yet the most useful, like gallons of dish soap and emergency flashlights. She was a woman of many jokes and habits. Jokes and little sayings, and habits that stick with us all today, such as tearing napkins in half, saying "use this one now and keep the other in your pocket for later". She enjoyed shopping, cleaning, cooking, watching the news and most of all gardening. She was a very conservative woman, but yet she was always willing to lend a hand when in need.
Jean was a busy and active woman, she always needed to be moving. She was always doing something, no matter the time of the day, or the type of day it was, if something needed to be done she was going to do it. She always spoke her mind and never filtered herself if she believe what she said was true. She was a very outspoken woman, yet loving in every way.
Jean was blessed to have spent time with her granddaughters and great-grandchildren over the last year. What an honor for her to live, not only to have grandchildren but great-grandchildren. May God bless them all.
We will keep Jean's memory alive in our hearts and the countless moments shared with her over the years.
To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Jean Prashad, please visit our Tree Store
Visitation at Funeral Home
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Leahy McDonald Funeral Home Inc
11102 Atlantic Avenue
Richmond Hill, New York, United States
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Visitation at Funeral Home
8:30 am - 10:30 am
Monday, August 12, 2024
Leahy McDonald Funeral Home Inc
11102 Atlantic Avenue
Richmond Hill, New York, United States
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Final Resting Place
11:15 am
Monday, August 12, 2024
Maple Grove Cemetery
83-15 Kew Gardens Road
Kew Gardens, New York, United States
Need Directions?
11102 Atlantic Avenue | South Richmond Hill, NY | 11419 | Tel (718) 849-0785 | Fax (718) 210-2206
leahymcdonaldfh.com | leahymcdonaldfh@yahoo.com